effective, ethical & humane solutions to problematic wildlife

native and invasive species



invasive species management

PADFOOT ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR™ specialises in the ethical, humane and cost effective management of invasive wildlife. Our team of professional animal behaviourists and zoologists hold all of appropriate licenses, permits and insurances, and have the expertise and experience to successfully plan, capture and / or euthanise invasive species according to best practice guidelines.

We provide innovative solutions to government, industry and private landholders in the management of:

  • Feral goats

  • Feral horses

  • Feral pigs

  • Hares

  • Pest birds

  • Wild dogs

  • European foxes

  • European rabbits

  • Feral camels

  • Feral cats

  • Feral deer

  • Feral donkeys

For further information or to obtain a quotation please complete the form below and we’ll respond within 24 hours.

the padfoot team dart and capture a feral donkey

NATIVE species management

The active management of problematic native species is strictly regulated in Queensland, requiring approvals from the Department of Environment & Science (DES) prior to any action being taken. The Padfoot team can provide support in seeking and gaining such approvals as well as enacting any active management (translocation or euthanasia) once approved.

We provide advice and solutions to both government and private landholders in the active management of all problematic native species including:

  • Swooping and aggressive birds (e.g. magpies, butcher birds, birds of prey)

  • Nesting birds (e.g. welcome swallows, fairy martins)

  • Macropods (kangaroos and wallabies)

For further information or to obtain a quotation please complete the form above and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Conservation K9 Teams

The Padfoot team are recognised internationally as experts in the training and handling of conservation detection and dispersal dogs. With over 20 years’ experience training working dogs for the field and operational conservation detection experience in both Europe and Australasia, the Padfoot team is among the very best operating in this region.

Padfoot maintains working dog teams for invasive fauna detection (fox, wild dog, feral cat) and can train an established, operational dog to reliably detect a new scent - fauna or flora - in just 6 weeks. We also train and mentor scientists who wish to select, train and handle a conservation dog to support their own work, either individually or at our Conservation K9 Camp.

Padfoot believes in maintaining the highest ethical standards and operates under the oversight of an Animal Ethics Committee. Padfoot is also registered with Biosecurity Queensland as a user of animals for scientific purposes - a legal requirement for professional conservation dog teams working in Queensland. The Padfoot team are proud and active members of the Australasian Conservation Dog Network.

To complement our wildlife detection work, Padfoot handlers are qualified and experienced vertebrate pest animal managers providing a range of services to complement the detection of invasive species.

The Padfoot Conservation K9 Team has been featured in a number of videos produced by our clients.